Doping mystery surrounding Russian figure skaters? Medal ceremony nationwide competition postponed after ‘legal problem’ | Winter Games | February 4 – 20

The medal ceremony for the national figure skating competition at the Beijing Olympics has been postponed yesterday due to a “legal issue that could affect medalists,” the IOC said.

The ceremony, in which the Russian team (ROC) would receive the gold, the US the silver and Japan the bronze, did not take place. The ceremony immediately after the game, Monday, did take place.

International Olympic Committee (IOC) spokesman Mark Adams said the reason was a “legal consultation”. The IOC had to enter into a conclave with the ISU, the international skating union. Details of the case were not specified. In a one-line statement, the ISU reported “ongoing legal talks.” According to the usually well-established website Inside The Games Russia allegedly violated doping regulations. It is not clear when the ceremony will take place.

After the individual freestyles for men and women, the pairs and ice dancing, Russia topped the standings, followed by the United States (silver) and Japan (bronze). Defending champion Canada finished fourth. Among the Russians, 15-year-old Kamila Valieva is the big star. Valieva secured the victory in the final free freestyle, in which she went down for a while, but was also the first woman to make a quadruple jump twice at the Games.

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