Djokovic: ‘My agent got the immigration document wrong. The interview? An error’

In a long post, the world’s number 1 denounces “misinformation” about his case, explaining that the failure to communicate about travel is the fault of his entourage

Novak Djokovic admitted there was a mistake in completing the immigration document handed in upon his arrival in Melbourne, Australia. According to what the tennis player wrote in a post on social media, his agent allegedly made a mistake regarding the part of his recent travels: on the form it was stated that Djokovic had not traveled in the 14 days prior to his arrival in Australia, but in those two weeks earlier the usually Monte Carlo-based athlete was seen in Spain and Serbia. “My agent sincerely apologizes for the administrative error in marking the wrong box” and “this was a human error and certainly not deliberate,” the tennis player wrote, adding that his team “provided additional information. to the Australian government to clarify the matter “. All after the Australian Border Force, that is the local immigration authority, announced yesterday that it is investigating to ascertain whether there has been a “false declaration”, which would be a reason for a visa cancellation.

Violated isolation

From Djokovic, in addition to a generic complaint of “disinformation” on his case, also the admission of having violated the rules of isolation after having tested positive for Covid-19 on December 17: the number 1 in the world, the sportsman admitted to have met a journalist two days later for an interview (yesterday on L’Equipe there was the story of the journalist who met him, together with a photographer, for a long interview and the award of the best athlete of the year award . “I accept that I should have rescheduled”, “an evaluation error”, defines the tennis player. “I felt obliged to go ahead and carry out the interview with the Equipe”, who then rejected other news related to his extras in public after December 16 calling them “disinformation.” But there are several inconsistencies in his statements: Djokovic said he was not informed of his positive result until December 17, despite the sworn statement to the court of Federal signature that he was “examined and diagnosed” on December 16. And on the test he launched heavy accusations “Der Spiegel”. According to the German newspaper, there are anomalies between the paper version of the positive result of the molecular test and the digital version (where it is negative) presented by the tennis player’s lawyers.

The situation

Meanwhile, the saga continues. The world’s number one decision not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 exploded when he was arrested last week trying to enter Australia on a medical exemption. Djokovic won the first judicial battle to stay and trained in Melbourne Park, but he may still not participate in the tournament with the Australian immigration minister considering canceling his visa and the decision should come today. Australian Immigration Minister Alex Hawke explained that the delay was caused by “additional observations and supporting documentation” from the player’s lawyers.

Djokovic, chasing a record-breaking 21st Grand Slam title, was named No. 1 seeded yesterday, although his status remains unclear. The draw is expected to take place on Thursday. “I just want to have the opportunity to compete against the best players in the world and perform in front of one of the best spectators in the world,” Djokovic said this week. This time around Djokovic has an even bigger task, with his former coach Boris Becker telling the BBC that the seeded is in shock after five days in detention at the immigrant hotel. “Obviously his preparation is not good,” said Becker, who spoke with him on Monday. I don’t think he’s ever been in a worse position entering the week before a Grand Slam, but that’s right. ”



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