Disruption on the MTV3 channel – The big charity concert didn’t even start: The viewers were upset

MTV3 channel’s big charity concert didn’t start right away.

Jaakko Loikkanen and Marja Hintikka hosted the Joulumielelle concert last year.

MTV’s charity concert For JouluMiele was supposed to start on Sunday at 19:30. on the MTV3 channel. For some unknown reason, the screen started to show Maikkarin Stadi vs. Lande -program.

Without any explanation, Stadi vs Lande program was interrupted and the concert started around 19:37. by.

The hosts of the concert are Tuija Pehkonen and Jaakko Loikkanen did not refer to the delay in any way in their programs.

On the Facebook account of the MTV3 channel, a confused and upset discussion about the topic arose within minutes.

– What on earth? Can’t see a concert here?

– There is no concert in Tampere. There will be Stadi vs. Lande.

– Who hasn’t done their job now? Here comes Stadi vs. Lande!

– I received a text message saying that the broadcast starts at 19:30. We came from skating because of that, but we can’t see the broadcast.

In the atmospheric Christmas concert of Kummie at Children’s Clinics, for the benefit of young patients, e.g. Saara AaltoClub for Five, Jarkko AholaEvening, Pentti Hietanen mixed Michael Monroe and Tommi Läntinen.

Concert presenter Tuija Pehkonen in an interview with Iltalehti in 2021.
