Disciplinary case threatens Marc Overmars after transgressive behavior | Football

The union indicates that the Institute for Sports Law (ISR) will examine Overmars’ misconduct as an independent body.

“Like every club, Ajax is bound by a reporting obligation when it comes to cross-border behavior,” said a spokesperson for the KNVB.

Notification requirement

According to the association, a so-called pre-announcement has now been made to the ISR and Ajax will make an official report of the case in the short term.

The obligation to report to the ISR applies to all sports organizations in the Netherlands. Ajax has already announced that it will respond to this. The ISR will determine whether it will lead to a disciplinary case. Sanctions may result for Overmars from such a disciplinary case.

On Sunday evening it was announced that the director of football affairs of Ajax left immediately due to reports of cross-border behaviour. An article in the NRC, which is based on eleven anonymous (former) employees, shows that Overmars committed inappropriate app traffic with female colleagues, whereby, according to the sources, he would also have sent images of his genitals.

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