Disappointed Novak Djokovic has left Australia: ‘I feel uncomfortable’ | Tennis

Earlier in the day, the number one in the world already responded to the judge’s ruling that he must leave Australia permanently and therefore not be allowed to defend his title at the Australian Open. Djokovic said shortly after the ruling that he wanted some rest before coming up with a more extensive statement.

“I am deeply disappointed with the federal court’s decision to deny my request.” Djokovic also says he feels ‘uncomfortable’. “I feel uncomfortable that the focus has been on me for the past few weeks. I really hope we can now focus on tennis and this great tournament again. I want to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers and fans all the best for the tournament.”

Novak Djokovic.

Novak Djokovic.

Finally, I would like to thank my family, friends, team, supporters, fans and my compatriots for your continued support. You have all been a great source of strength to me.”

Djokovic was told on Friday that he must still leave the country because he does not have a valid vaccination certificate and has no good reason for a medical exemption. The Serb called in the federal court to reconsider the case, but was rejected.

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