Dirty home workplace? ‘You’d better give the toilet seat a kiss’ | Cleaning Tips

cleaning tip of the weekThe house could use a major overhaul once in a while. Cleaning expert Marja Middeldorp therefore helps to solve everyday problems. This week: tidying up and cleaning the home workplace.

Now that the cabinet has announced that you can go to work more often, it might be a good time to tidy up the home workplace. “Not everyone has one, but many people do and it has undoubtedly become a mess,” says Marja. “I think it’s good that people can take some distance from their home when they’re at work. Keeping work and private life separate is difficult. Not to mention all the sandwiches eaten above the keyboard!”

Marja herself also confesses that a cracker is sometimes consumed behind the screen. “The crumbs naturally fall in between and are a source of bacteria. And how often do you sit with your brooding greasy fingers at the screen? Sometimes the same goes for the phone: it’s better to give the toilet seat a kiss than to get near your screen!”

Cleaning the keyboard

Mary Middeldorp. © Joost Hoving

“Maybe I should mention it before I tell you how I clean the keyboard: I’m a digital literate. I do it gently, but old-fashioned. I’m sure there are all sorts of techies out there who know better, but hey – here it comes. I grab some cotton swabs and benzene. I always have that in the house to get stains out of silk. In addition, I conjured up a hair dryer and a microfibre cloth.

First I unplug the keyboard, then I grab the keyboard and knock it out very carefully. Be very careful, otherwise it will break! Then I dip the swab in benzene and go on and around the keys. When it gets dirty: new suits. Once you have removed most of the dirt, grab the hair dryer and blow away some crumbs or large pieces. Do not set the hair dryer on the hot setting. Then I go over it with a microfibre cloth, just dry. That easily pulls the last dirt with it. Then the keyboard is ready for use. Let the letters roll again.”

Cleaning the computer screen

Then the screen. The cleaning expert takes a trick out of the old box for this. She often saves the last sip of tea to use as a cleaning agent. “It must be tea with theine. I also use it to clean lamps and the television. Take a cotton ball and gently dip it into the cold tea. Then you move that cotton ball over the screen, in one direction – preferably with the wire of the glass. Avoid going over the screen with your nails or other sharp objects. I sometimes put a sock on my hand to prevent damage.”

For the back of the screen and the mouse, Marja uses microfibre cloths. “The friction makes it hot and then the dirt comes off more easily,” she explains.

Clean up and keep tidy

Apart from the dirty keyboards and other devices, Marja encounters many untidy desks when she enters somewhere. “Then there are half cups of coffee, tea or soda cans next to the computer. That is asking for trouble because at busy times you will always find yourself knocking them over a pile of papers. Always keep a small trash can next to your work area. Then you throw everything away immediately. Also the full handkerchiefs, or should I call them brats? Make sure the workspace is as empty as possible.”

The desk can be cleaned with an antibacterial cloth. If you’ve used it, don’t rub the surface dry, warns Marja. You can also use a damp cloth with lukewarm soapy water. “Then, of course, wipe it dry. If you are satisfied and have also taken the chair with you, you can go again.”

Do you want to ask Marja Middeldorp a question? Send an e-mail to this address ([email protected]) with your name. Check out more cleaning tips below.


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