Despite the mega change: Gosens flirts with the Bundesliga

Rumors of a possible farewell to Robin Gosens from Atalanta Bergamo repeatedly haunted the media ether for some periods of change. Above all, the German national player repeatedly fanned the alleged interest from the Bundesliga. Instead, the 27-year-old was drawn to Inter Milan for a lot of money. But the dream of the German upper house lives on.

“I want to get stuck at Inter for years, but my big dream is to visit the Bundesliga at least once,” Gosens explains in an interview with “kicker” that he has not yet canceled a move to Germany from his career plan.

In the past, Gosens was traded several times at FC Schalke 04, which he described as his “heart club”. But Borussia Dortmund and Bayern Munich were also said to have kept an eye on the full-back.

However, when Inter Milan threw 25 million euros into the ring for the services of the left foot in winter, Gosens was immediately on fire. The move to the Nerazzurri is “beautiful” and “incredibly awesome,” says Gosens happily.

On the other hand, Gosens did not really consider a transfer to the newly rich Premier League basement child Newcastle United, which thanks to Saudi backing is now considered the richest football club in the world.

There was an offer and he thought about what “human” was, since he could have earned “many times more for the same job at a different location”, but ultimately the focus was on getting the most out of his sports can get a career out of.

Not sure where to stay at Inter Milan yet?

“I could probably have secured a few more generations of my family with this money,” Gosens comments on the offer from the north of England, but he is also “a hopeless football romantic” and did not want to betray his principles.

However, it will still be a few weeks before we see Gosens in Inter-Dress for the first time: the native of Emmerich has been suffering from a thigh injury since the end of November, which also jeopardizes his place in the DFB team.

He’s “absolutely worried,” admits Gosens and explains: “Every game I can’t play is an argument against me. The national team is the biggest thing for me.” Regaining his place before the World Cup is his “demand and goal”.

For that, however, Gosens has to perform well in Milan. Incidentally, staying in the fashion city is not yet set in stone. Gosens is currently only on loan, but under certain conditions a purchase obligation applies. There should be a small risk that his injury endangers them.


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