‘Dennis van der Geest is a bad presenter and a cheater’

Dennis van der Geest has been under fire from the show media in recent days. While Jan Uriot pleads for him to be taken off the TV, Yvonne Coldeweijer accuses him of cheating.

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Until recently, Dennis van der Geest’s biggest concern was that he is always called an ex-judoka in the media instead of a presenter, but now he suddenly gets both Jan Uriot and Yvonne Coldeweijer on his roof at the same time. The Private journalist thinks he is a bad presenter, the juice journalist calls him a cheater.

block of concrete

Jan is one of the few fans of the SBS 6 program Million Dollar Island, but he doesn’t like Dennis at all as a presenter. “I still allow someone from a program and that is Dennis van der Geest. I’m a Million Dollar Island fan, but I think I’m one of the few. And he’s the presenter,” he says in What does Jan think?

Dennis is just not a TV talent, according to Jan. “We are no longer allowed to say judoka, but then you also have to play the presenter, I think. And it isn’t. It’s like a block of concrete standing there.”


A block of concrete? What does he mean by that? “People have to leave who have been on such an island for weeks and that is of course emotion between those people, like: Marietje is leaving, Pietje is leaving. Then you actually want to see him give those people a hug,” says Jan.

He continues: “There was a woman in her 80s. Embrace her, give her a pat on the head, but he looks at it like this, you haven’t washed for six weeks, so I don’t touch you. It makes me completely cold.”

And that’s why he puts Dennis at the bottom of his sterometer.


Then there is also Yvonne Coldeweijer. She has learned that Dennis is a real cheater. “Is Dennis van der Geest cheating on a flight attendant? Rumor has it that the lady in question is even pregnant with him… while they are both in a relationship ?, shocking!” she wrote.

The juice diva shares countless messages from people who accuse him of cheating in her paid spy app. She tried to verify it with Dennis herself: “Hi Dennis, I have received screenshots of conversations between you and ****. Is it true that you are having an affair?”

Dennis is silent. Yvonne: “By the way, here you have your hearing and fucking rebuttal. Dennis doesn’t want to respond. Very crazy.”

Hear and hear each other

Yvonne’s attempt to adversarial fails:
