Demet Özdemir-Oğuzhan Koç answer from Aslı Bekiroğlu!

Actress Aslı Bekiroğlu was seen with her dog in Bebek the previous day. Asked about the separation of his close friends Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç, Bekiroğlu gave a remarkable answer.

Aslı Bekiroğlu, who has been away from the screens for a long time, was caught in Bebek with her dog the other day. The famous actress spoke with members of the press and said, “We missed you so much, snow,” about the snow that affected Istanbul.

Stating that he loves the winter season, Bekiroğlu said, “I love the winter season more, I am a winter wearer.” When asked about stray animals, the actress said, “Every time, everywhere, all my donations are to stray animals.”


The actress said about the separation of her close friends Demet Özdemir and Oğuzhan Koç, “I don’t know, it’s their business. I can’t say anything about it. Why should I gossip about my friend?” he said.

Expressing her sadness at the separation of the duo, 26-year-old beautiful actress Aslı Bekiroğlu then went away with her dog.



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