Dave De K. wants to be tried in the Netherlands in the Dean case

Dave De K. wants to be tried in the Netherlands in the Dean case

The 34-year-old Dave De K., who is suspected of involvement in the kidnapping and death of the 4-year-old boy Dean, wants to be tried in the Netherlands and not surrendered to Belgium. His lawyer Michael Yap said this on Tuesday before the International Legal Aid Chamber (IRK) of the court in Amsterdam.

The investigating judge in Dendermonde Netherlands requested the surrender of De K, so that he can be tried in Belgium. The Dutch Public Prosecution Service agrees. But counsel for De K. argues that the center of gravity of the case lies in the Netherlands.

Dean’s body was found on Monday evening, January 17, at Neeltje Jans near Vrouwenpolder in Zeeland. Earlier that day, De K. was arrested, the Belgian had taken the boy from the Belgian town of Sint-Niklaas. The man was arrested in the village of Meerkerk in the province of Utrecht. Yap: “After his arrest, the Dutch criminal investigation department has made a complete reconstruction. Trace research has been carried out and an autopsy on the deceased child. The Netherlands is responsible for this case. That is how my client sees it.”


In addition, says counsel for De K., the prison conditions in the Belgian city of Dendermonde are said to be substandard, especially the access to healthcare for detainees. De K. has already requested a psychiatrist and a psychologist in the prison of Middelburg. “His background needs to be portrayed well,” said Yap. According to his counsel, De K. fears that surrendering to Belgium “would worsen his situation”.

De K. did not use his last word. “I don’t really have anything to add. I’m following my counsel,” he said. The court will make a decision on February 22.


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