Czech singer died of corona after she was deliberately infected Stars

Horka died two days after the positive test result. The singer – who was not vaccinated – became infected when her husband and son had corona. According to Rek, they both contracted it during Christmas. “She should have been isolated for a week because we tested positive, but she stayed with us the whole time.”

On Facebook, Hana wrote the day before her death that she was recovering. “Now I can finally go to the theater, the sauna or a concert again.” Just before her death she indicated that she was feeling better, until her back suddenly hurt and she decided to lie down on the bed for a while. Rek tells about this to the British medium: “In 10 minutes it was suddenly over. She suffocated and died.”

Rek emphasizes that his mother was not an anti-vaxxer, but saw more benefit in going through the disease. He tells the story in the hope that others will decide to get vaccinated after all. “If you have real examples, that comes in more than numbers and graphs,” says Rek.


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