Cycling, the cycling Academy in Montichiari can be born with funds from the Pnrr

Federal President Dagnoni is very optimistic: “Undersecretary for sport Vezzali has guaranteed her interest in our plant project, and the works will start by 2024”. The Lombardy Region guarantees the 2 million euros to complete the renovation of the velodrome in the autumn: new balustrades in the grandstand, underpass to allow ambulances to enter the track and anti-seismic adaptation

January is becoming an important month for Cordiano Dagnoni. We do not race on the road and track yet, but the president of Federciclismo is committed to achieving a series of important objectives from the plant side. We are talking about the Brescia velodrome of Montichiari, the only covered facility in Italy, thanks to which from 2012 onwards a movement has developed that led to the Olympic gold medals of Viviani 2016 and the quartet of the team pursuit of Ganna 2021, plus all the others. world titles (men and women).

Balustrades and ambulance Dagnoni, who visited the velodrome on Thursday morning, explains: “The Lombardy Region has guaranteed us the necessary funds to complete the latest adaptation works by the autumn. I am not referring to the LED lighting system that has already been completed, and this will allow the men and women of the Villa to be able to reopen the track at the National team: the balustrades will have to be redone for safety reasons, an underpass will be built that will allow the ambulances to enter directly into the parterre of the runway and the anti-seismic adaptation of the structure will be carried out ». The plant, we recall, is owned by the municipality of Montichiari, and the mayor Marco Togni is supporting the Federciclismo and the other institutions for an important development of the structure. Again Dagnoni: “With this contribution from the Lombardy Region in the autumn we will have a velodrome as new and in compliance with the law, to regain usability and be able to host major events”.

From the government In the afternoon, then, there was a meeting with the Lombardy Region which set the stakes for the second development of Montichiari. Just to the Gazzetta, Dagnoni had talked about the idea of ​​using funds from the Pnrr (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) for the project that will transform Montichiari into the Olympic training center of the Federciclo: guesthouse, sports medicine and biomechanics laboratories, central warehouse of the Federation, creation of a cycling school for kids and above all the speed school. On this point Dagnoni is very optimistic: “Undersecretary Vezzali was unable to be present, but she guaranteed all her interest and collaboration in order to secure a share of the economic funds of the NRP. For us Montichiari can become the Coverciano of cycling, our center of excellence, and now this is a shared goal. On Monday 24th there will be a new meeting in Rome between Vezzali and our general secretary Marcello Tolu to go into detail. We hope that the works can begin by the end of my mandate (by 2024, ed.), This would be a great result “.



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