Cycling, Fidanza returns to his bike after heart surgery. Positive at Covid-19

After ablation in the right atrium on 16 December to eliminate some arrhythmias, the Bergamo world champion on the track pedaled for three hours. He was supposed to leave on Wednesday for the meeting with the national team in Spain, but in the evening the result of the swab arrived. “I’m really down”

Luca Gialanella

A day really full of strong emotions. Martina Fidanza is back. She put on the jersey of the new team, the German Ceratizit, and for the first time she got back on her bike after the ablation of the heart on December 16: “Slowly, very slowly, I pedaled for three hours and I really flew .. . – says with passion the 22 year old from Bergamo, world champion in track scratch and world silver in team pursuit -. I left home, from Brembate Sopra, and went to Lake Como, Lecco, Pontida, Galbiate and Villa d’Adda. Beautiful, beautiful, I really enjoyed it “. He had already sent the bicycle and almost finished the suitcase, when in the late evening the euphoria became sadness: “I have just had the result of the swab I had done for the departure: I am positive!”. All to be redone, just now that Marti had put the operation behind her. Canceled withdrawal, isolation, quarantine. “Honestly, I’m really down to earth right now”

History The Bergamo woman had been operated on on December 16 on the heart, with a now routine intervention, at the Lancisi University Hospital of Ancona, department of cardiology and arrhythmology of the highest level, directed by Professor Antonio Dello Russo: ablation in the right atrium to eliminate, with radiofrequency, some small arrhythmias that Fidanza had suffered in the last two seasons, with very short peaks of 245 beats. Roberto Corsetti, cardiologist and sports doctor collaborates with professor Dello Russo, referent of the health activity of the national cycling teams and head of the B&B Medical Center in Imola.

The day “In recent days I had done a bit of rollers and a bit of the gym – continues Martina Fidanza -. I went out alone: ​​I hadn’t pedaled for a couple of days before the operation. I went out at lunchtime when it was warmer, after having had a swab to be able to participate in the rally with the national team. I did three hours, pianissimo, pianissimo, keeping the beats under control. It was a wonderful feeling, a return to my world, to my environment. I was prepared for the worst … Maybe my legs pushed even more, but since my heart had stopped for a long time, I didn’t want to force too much, I was very careful, I was just going to feel, turning my legs. I avoided the cold areas, and went towards the lake, with some climbs of two kilometers ”.

In the national team Wednesday was to be the departure for Spain: 10 days of meeting with the national team directed by Paolo Sangalli, who took the place of Dino Salvoldi, of whom he has been a very faithful right hand for many years. “I will meet my companions again, that’s what makes me so happy, and I arrived at this meeting which I was very fond of – Martina Fidanza told us with great enthusiasm -. I missed being in the group so much and Sangalli gave me a lot of peace of mind, he was the first to tell me “you don’t have to force anything, I’m with the flagship behind you if you need to”. In Ancona, Martina did the last tests, “they connected the loop recorder that was implanted under my left collarbone, they downloaded all the data of this period and saw the trend to check if there were any anomalies or something strange. They took away the stitch that was left inside and that’s it. It’s all right, now I can pedal without thinking about anything ”. In the evening, however, as mentioned, the frozen shower with Cornavirus positivity.

The group The one in Calpe, which will last ten days until 22 January, will be the second mixed men-women meeting of the national road and track after the experience in Novo Mesto in Slovenia at the end of December. Led by the coaches Villa (men and women track, with the advice of Ivan Quaranta) and Sangalli (street women, with the collaboration of Rossella Callovi) there will be the men Boscaro, Donegà, Galli, Giordani, Lamon, Manlio Moro, Stefano Moro, S. Quaranta and Scartezzini. The girls are Bastianelli, Borghesi, Cavalli, Cecchini, Consonni, Gasparrini, Guazzini, Magnaldi, Piergiovanni, Pirrone and Tomasi.



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