Covid, team sport new protocol: with a positive tampon for five days and FFP2 mask

In the text that should become a ministerial circular, the multiplication of the number of tests for the team group is concerned. Economic support for companies is foreseen

For everyone. The new protocol on team sports, the one that, declining the subject above all on the football front, we have called “reduce Asl”, will apply to all leagues. Of all disciplines. This is the clarification that is coming out in these hours waiting for the rules to be validated by the CTS and to enter a special circular from the Ministry of Health. On the other hand, it is not yet clear what the time frame of the measure is, there are those who hope that with the improvement of the epidemiological curve, in a month or in any case at the end of February, we can return to less stringent regulations.


For grassroots sport, the theme is not that of the famous 35 per cent of “positives” not to be exceeded in the respective “athlete groups”. There is some concern regarding multiplying the number of tampons to move forward. In the text – which, we repeat, has not yet become a ministerial circular and presumably will be next week – it is specified that positive subjects “are placed in isolation”, and here it does not rain, but that their “high-profile contacts risk (subjects of the Team Group exposed within the Group or within the community) must carry out a test every day, for at least five days (the antigenic is enough) with the obligation to wear the FFP2 mask “in all contexts in which sports activities are not carried out “. Attention, the rule applies “regardless of the vaccination status”. In addition, a negative antigen test must still be carried out 4 hours before the race. It is probable, however, that for teams that do not train together on a daily basis, we can talk between the players and other staff members, of “low-risk contacts” for which there is no obligation of tampons because “the measures provided for by ministerial indications, also in relation to vaccination status “.


For small companies these are very demanding rules. “As far as our top championships are concerned, it is a weight that can be faced, but for our basic activity it will be very difficult”, says the president of Federvolley, Giuseppe Manfredi. The spirit of the protocol, circular tomorrow (better, at the beginning of next week), is to put the needs of health protection and containment of the epidemiological curve in front of everything. However, allowing you to move forward with the championships. Championships that still go on groping with a long series of postponements when not suspensions. In the next few hours, after the publication of the circular, it will still be possible to have a clearer picture of the situation because each federation will have to define its own guidelines. In any case, the undersecretary for sport Valentina Vezzali has promised a support intervention regarding the expenses that the clubs will have to carry out to deal with the greatest number of tampons.



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