Court session in Djokovic case resumed after break

Melbourne (AP) – The court session, in which the objection to the renewed withdrawal of the visa for Serbian tennis professional Novak Djokovic will be decided, has resumed after a break of around one hour.

First, Djokovic’s side presented their line of argument before the federal court in Australia. The Australian Government side then had the floor, which continued its remarks after the interruption. After around three hours, the judges and lawyers involved for Djokovic and the Australian government took a break.

Three judges decide whether the world number one can stay in the country and take part in the Australian Open, which begins in Melbourne on Monday, or whether he has to leave the country. The session will be broadcast online. It should be possible to complete the procedure at “lunchtime”, it was said at the beginning.

Hard pandemic rules

As the Australian news agency AAP reports, Djokovic is following the meeting from his lawyers’ office in Melbourne. The record winner of the Australian Open spent the night before the hearing in the federal court in a deportation hotel.

Djokovic’s visa was revoked for the second time on Friday. Not vaccinated against the coronavirus, he is a controversial figure in the country that has imposed tough rules since the pandemic began. When the authorities refused him entry last week, he was also temporarily taken to a deportation hotel.

An initial court decision on Monday was in his favour, Djokovic then continued preparing for the first Grand Slam tournament of the season.



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