Coronavirus today, in Italy another record of cases (98,020) and 148 victims. 9.52% positivity rate

Emilia-Romagna, 4,134 infections in the region an absolute record

‘Since the beginning of the epidemic in Emilia Romagna 519,672 positive cases were recorded, 4,134 more than yesterday, out of a total of 53,364 swabs performed in the last 24 hours. The percentage of new positives on the number of tampons made is 7.7%. Meanwhile, the anti-Covid vaccination campaign continues. At 1 pm a total of 8,360,808 doses were administered; out of the total 3,605,959 people over 12 who have completed the vaccination cycle. The third doses are 1,303,189.
The control and prevention activity continues: of the newly infected, 1,803 are asymptomatic identified as part of the regional contact tracing and screening activities. Overall, among the new positives 207 were already in isolation at the time of the swab execution, 510 were identified within already known foci ”. This was communicated by the Emilia Romagna Region.
” The median age of new positives today is 37.2 years. Of the 1,803 asymptomatic, 310 were identified thanks to contact tracing, 38 with serological screening, 105 through tests for risk categories introduced by the Region, 10 through pre-hospitalization tests. The epidemiological investigation is still underway for 1,340 cases. The contagion situation in the provinces sees Modena with 756 new cases, followed by Rimini (624) and Reggio Emilia (522). Then Ferrara (371), Ravenna (353), Bologna (303) and Cesena (301). Then Forlì (298), Piacenza (282) and Parma (256); finally, the Imola district, with 68 new cases.
In the last 24 hours, 31,125 molecular swabs were performed, for a total of 7,226,848. In addition, there are also 22,239 rapid antigen tests. As for the total number of people healed, they are 981 more than yesterday and reach 442,982. The active cases, that is the actual patients, are now 62,503 (+3,142). Of these, people in isolation at home, i.e. those with mild symptoms who do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free, total 61,085 (+3,122), 97.7% of the total active cases ”.
” Unfortunately, there are 11 deaths: one in the province of Parma (a 90-year-old woman), one in the province of Reggio Emilia (a 71-year-old man), three in the Modena area (a 77-year-old woman and two men, 77 and 78), three in the province of Bologna (a 92 year old man and two women, 80 and 88 years old), two in the Ferrara area (a man and a woman, both 88 years old), one in Rimini (a man aged 69). No deaths in the provinces of Piacenza, Ravenna and Forlì-Cesena. In total, there have been 14,187 deaths in the region since the beginning of the epidemic. ”


The number of daily hospitalizations, those in intensive care, people in home isolation and the daily percentage growth.

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In Lazio 60,113 positive cases, 147 in intensive care

There are 60,113 people currently positive in the Lazio, of which 1,070 hospitalized, 147 in intensive care and 58,896 in home isolation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, 421,588 have been healed and 9,253 have died out of a total of 490,954 cases examined, according to the updated bulletin of the Lazio Region.

In Basilicata 484 new cases and no deaths

In the last 24 hours, 2,330 molecular swabs were processed, of which 484 (and among these 440 related to residents in Basilicata) tested positive. On the same day, 45 healings were recorded, of which 41 related to residents in Basilicata. This was announced by the task force of the Basilicata Region. In total there are 55 people hospitalized: 27 at Aor San Carlo in Potenza and 28 at Po Madonna delle Grazie in Matera, of which 2 in intensive care.

Friuli Venezia-Giulia: 1,817 positives and 6 deaths

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia out of 10,922 molecular swabs 1,484 new infections were detected, with a positive percentage of 13.59 percent. In addition, 16,095 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 333 cases (2.07%) were detected. This was communicated by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health, Riccardo Riccardi, who in relation to the significant number of positives explained that the “tail effect of the holiday period” must be taken into consideration.
The first age group for what concerns today’s infection is 0-19 (19.65%), followed by 20-29 (18.60), 40-49 (17.17), 50-59 (15.58%) and finally from 30-39 (13.15%). Today the deaths of six people are recorded: a 90-year-old woman from Enemonzo (who died in hospital), an 89-year-old man from Trieste (who died in hospital), an 89-year-old man from Aquileia (who died in hospital), a 77-year-old man from Trieste (who died in hospital), a 77-year-old woman from Pordenone (who died in hospital) and finally a 76-year-old woman from Porpetto (who died in hospital). There are 27 people admitted to intensive care and patients hospitalized in other departments drop to 278.


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