Coronavirus today. Germany, another 64,340 cases and 443 victims


On an international scale, the rise of cases linked to the Omicron variant continues to hold its own. In Germany there are another 64,340 cases and 443 victims

January 6, 2022

Coronavirus: Bulletin of January 5, 2022
  • 7:08

    India, 57% jump in new cases

    The new cases of Covid registered in India rose by 57% in one day, for a total of 90,928 more infections in the space of 24 hours compared to +58,097 the previous day.

  • 7:08

    Bolivia, record of over 10 thousand cases in one day

    Bolivia yesterday reached a new record of over 10,000 people who tested positive for Covid-19, or one in two positive tests. “Bolivia has set a new record of infected people in the country: the figure is 10,263 positive”, announced the Ministry of Health confirming that the country has been hit by its “fourth wave” of coronavirus like other South American countries. Government health officials expressed concern during a press conference that the country has “exceeded 50% positivity: meaning that out of 100 tests carried out 51 were positive”.

  • 07:06

    Germany, another 64,340 cases and 443 victims

    Germany has recorded another 64,340 cases and 443 victims of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 7.36 million infected and 113,368 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. This was communicated by the Robert Koch Institute.


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