Coronavirus, 140 victims and 68,052 new cases in Italy. Positive at 15.28%

In Puglia 3,568 new cases (11.5% tests) and two deaths

Today in Puglia there are 3,568 new Covid infections (11.5% of the 30,923 tests) and two deaths. The incidence of positives detected compared to the number of swabs has almost halved compared to yesterday when 20.3% of positivity was recorded. To date, there are 33,976 positive people in Puglia, 299 are hospitalized in a non-critical area (yesterday they were 283) and 33 in intensive care (yesterday 32). The cases identified in the last 24 hours are distributed as follows: 1,458 in the province of Bari, 227 in the province of Barletta-Andria-Trani, 477 in the province of Brindisi, 292 in the province of Foggia, 745 in that of Lecce, 307 in that of Taranto. There are 56 cases involving residents outside the region, while for another six infections the province to which they belong has not yet been defined.

In Lazio 5,614 new cases and 15 deaths, Rome to 2,961

“Today in Lazio out of 16,065 molecular swabs and 27,837 antigenic swabs for a total of 43,902 swabs, there are 5,614 new positive cases (-2,379), 15 deaths (=), 1,199 hospitalized (+26), 158 intensive care (+6) and +1.234 the healed. The ratio of positives to swabs is 12.7%. The cases in Rome city are at 2,961 ”. This was announced by the councilor for health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato.


The number of daily hospitalizations, those in intensive care, people in home isolation and the daily percentage growth.

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In Friuli Venezia Giulia 453 new infections and 6 deaths

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia out of 4,976 tests and swabs 453 positivity to Covid 19 were found, equal to 9.10%. In detail, on 2,092 molecular swabs 269 new infections were detected (12.86%), on 4,976 rapid antigenic tests 184 cases (3.70%). This was announced by the deputy governor of the Region with responsibility for Health Riccardo Riccardi. The first age group for what concerns today’s infection is 40-49 (18.98%), followed by 0-19 (17.44%), 50-59 (15.89%), 20 -29 (15.23%) and finally from 30-39 (12.80%). 53.64% of positive cases concern females. Today there are the deaths of 6 people, between 83 and 73 years old, who died in hospital. Intensive care patients are 30 (+2), patients in other wards 308 (+10). There have been 4,234 deaths in the region since the start of the pandemic.

Eight thousand new cases and 17 deaths in Emilia-Romagna

Over eight thousand new infections in Emilia-Romagna, out of 31,140 swabs in the last 24 hours, and another 17 deaths, from 69 to 101 years. In the daily bulletin of the Region, the number of hospitalized in intensive care is stable, 131 (+1), 72.5% not vaccinated, while patients in the other Covid departments are growing, 1,528 (+77). Compared to the 9,090 cases recorded yesterday, infections (8,014) recorded a -11.8%, while that of hospitalized in Covid wards a + 5.3%. Bologna exceeds two thousand new positives (2,068 plus 182 from Imola), Modena has 1,181, Ravenna 897. Overall, 1,207 more healed in the region since yesterday and active cases are currently 103,826 (+6,790), 98 , 4% in isolation with mild or symptom-free symptoms. For the vaccination campaign, 3,614,837 people over 12 have completed the vaccination cycle, 90%, while those with at least one dose (3,696,550) have reached 92%, always over 12. Third doses already made are 1,427,936.

The 5 regions with the most daily cases

The order depends on the number of new cases or, by choosing the menu, on the percentage of positivity to the swab or on the ratio between new cases and regional population (given per 100,000 inhabitants)

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Veneto, 6,468 infections in the last 24 hours

There are 6,468 (double the number of yesterday) the new Covid infections recorded in the last 24 hours in Veneto and 17 deaths. The bulletin of the Region reports it. The rise in cases is also due to the increase in tracking activity, with over 50,000 swabs processed. The total number of infected since the beginning of the epidemic rises to 670,277, that of victims to 12,417. Currently positive people are 111,589. The hospital situation is now very serious: Covid patients hospitalized in the medical area rise to 1,316 (+52), and 200 (-2) those in intensive care.


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