Corona incidence in Berlin continues to fall – but only two districts report

The corona incidence in Berlin has continued to fall slightly. The value was 1275.4 on Monday, according to the Senate situation report. The day before the incidence was 1287.3. However, there were hardly any figures.

The incidence indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been shown to have been newly infected with the corona virus in the past seven days.

Only 216 new corona infections (previous day: 1077) were registered in Berlin on Monday – only two districts reported at all. The total number is 646,227. There were no other deaths. 4167 people have died in Berlin since the beginning of the pandemic from or with the disease caused by the pathogen.

The situation in the districts

Only Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (+144) and Reinickendorf (+72) reported current numbers on Monday.

► In the seven-day incidence, eleven Berlin districts are currently between 1000 and 2000. At the top of the districts is Lichtenberg (1672.2), followed by Marzahn-Hellersdorf (1639) and Steglitz-Zehlendorf (1422.3).

Neukölln has the lowest incidence with 761.4.

The status of vaccinations

The vaccinations are still the same as on Saturday and Sunday: 75.9 percent (previous day: 75.9 percent) of Berliners are fully vaccinated. 77.2 percent (previous day: 77.2 percent) have been vaccinated at least once. A total of 7,542,924 vaccinations were administered (previous day: 7,542,924).

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The Corona traffic light

In order to include a more meaningful indicator in the Corona traffic light, the relative change in the seven-day incidence was replaced by the hospitalization incidence. The seven-day incidence and the occupancy of the intensive care beds remain unchanged.

According to the management report, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants – equivalent to the seven-day incidence for all of Berlin – is 1275.4 (previous day: 1287.3) – the traffic light is RED.

The seven-day hospitalization incidence is 25.9 (previous day: 25.9) – the traffic light is RED.

This indicator shows how many people per 100,000 inhabitants were hospitalized after a corona infection within a week. The indicator is green when the value is below 4. From 4 the traffic light switches to yellow, at 8 to red.

The utilization of the intensive care beds by corona patients is 15.4 percent (previous day: 15.2 percent) – the traffic light is YELLOW.

The yellow limit here is 5 percent, and this traffic light also turns red at 20 percent.


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