Corona in Drenthe: 2418 new positive tests


The number of positive corona tests continues to fall nationally. Between yesterday morning and this morning, 63,779 positive tests were recorded. For a Wednesday, that is the lowest number in three weeks. The average is also falling. However, the number of reported deaths is increasing.

In the past seven days, 470,222 positive results of corona tests have been passed on to RIVM. That amounts to an average of 67,175 confirmed infections per day. Average falls for the fourth day in a row


The number of patients with corona in Dutch hospitals has decreased slightly today, after three days of increases. There are now a total of 1650 patients with corona. That is 6 less than yesterday, according to the most recent figures from the National Coordination Center for Patient Distribution.

In intensive care units, the number of corona patients among members fell by 8 to 173, the lowest number since October 21. There are now 1477 corona patients in the nursing wards, 2 more than yesterday.


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