Comedians “Quarter 95” offended because of one word

The Ukrainian studio “Quarter 95” threatened to cancel concerts in Germany without notifying the German partners. The artists were offended by the posters that appeared on a number of websites announcing the performance of “Russian comedians”.

“We were, are and will remain a Ukrainian company. There can be no other options,” representatives of Kvartal 95 said on Facebook.

They demanded that the German partners immediately apologize and correct the posters.

However, as noted RIA Newson two German sites “Kvartal 95” is still presented as a “Russian comedy show”.

Studio “Quarter 95” is one of the most successful projects in Ukraine. Its founders are current President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelenskyas well as Sergey and Boris Shefira.

As for the indignation of Ukrainian artists, some users of social networks reminded that comedians perform all their numbers in Russian.


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