Combined star Riiber close contact with corona infected people

Beijing (AP) – Gold favorite Jarl Magnus Riiber and two other members of the Norwegian combined team got too close to a corona infected person before the start of the Olympics. They are therefore considered close contacts, which according to the rules means that they now have to be particularly careful.

This was announced by the Norwegian Olympic organization Olympiatoppen, as reported by the NTB news agency and the NRK radio station. According to this, Riiber, Espen Andersen and Espen Bjørnstad were on their flight to China near the Estonian combiner Kristjan Ilves, who tested positive for the corona virus on Tuesday.

However, none of this should have any major impact on the preparations for the first decision in Nordic combined on February 9th for the Norwegians: They can continue to train normally and take part in the competitions, but they have to keep a distance of two meters and eat in their rooms .


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