COLUMN. Exclusive: what the corona barometer means to you | Coronavirus what you need to know

The corona barometer is ready for immediate use. We learn this from a generally reliable source. Pedro Facon, the corona commissioner with the looks of a solemn communicator and the brains of a professor emeritus, has elaborated the barometer with a sense of detail that is reportedly envied by even Annelies Verlinden — Facon does not just specify how many employees are allowed to use in each corona phase. of the company toilet, but also for how long, for what exactly and which air freshener should be available in the room in question. Even today the barometer would come into effect, were it not for the lack of political consensus on the color code for the three Covid phases. Pedro Facon had a simple traffic light in mind: with green everything can continue, with orange you brake, and with red you stop. But that symbolism is sensitive to party politics. Conner Rousseau does not want to hear about a red alarm phase in which nothing is allowed anymore, Joachim Coens fears the association of his CD&V with the orange phase of neither fish nor meat and Bart De Wever does not grant Groen a green phase in which everything is possible and allowed. Conversely, the Greens refuse N-VA’s counter-offer: yellow-orange-red. Open Vld’s compromise proposal — not green or yellow, but blue for the phase of freedom and happiness — was unanimously rejected. Georges-Louis Bouchez will now mediate.


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