Colau boomerang, by Emma Riverola

The 15-M shook the political scene. remembered that there is no democracy without protest and connected with a part of the citizenry that did not feel represented by any party. It was a cry of indignation at the bill of the crisis and the great cases of corruption. of that turmoil the ‘commons’ drink, also their code of ethics. A promise of political regeneration.

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Now, Ada Colau must declare as investigated for alleged irregularities in the granting of public subsidies to entities related to the ‘commons’. It is not the first complaint of the same style filed against her. The previous 10 have been archived. It is difficult not to see economic interests in the harassment, but following the ethical code of the ‘comuns’, the mayor should resign. Would it be convenient? Considering the opacity of the complaint, it does not seem so. In fact, it would be bending the democratic exercise to more than doubtful interests. No, it doesn’t seem logical to resign, but the case is a warning against the artifice policy. The ethical code of a party must respond to coherence and honesty. Turning it into a display of purity or an exercise in ingenuity is, among many other things, dangerous: a boomerang.


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