Coachmen will soon determine their own rates for operating rental carriages

Coachmen will soon determine their own rates for operating rental carriages

The carriage rental sector requires an adjustment of the rates as a result of the increasing costs of operating rental carriages (farrier, vet, insurance, feed, …). The last price adjustment dates from March 29, 2016.

The current decree, approved in 2019, states that the rate that the coachman wishes to use must be approved in advance by the College of Mayor and Aldermen. In order to be able to anticipate more easily on the evolution of the expenses and to be able to respond easily to the prices according to the season, the article is being adapted so that the rates are no longer approved by the College of Mayor and Aldermen.

In other words, the operators can determine their own rates in mutual consultation. The rates must always be clearly posted on site. The amended urban ordinance will be submitted to the city council on Monday 21 February. There are currently 7 permits for carriage rental in Ostend.


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