CNN received in Donbass direct evidence of Kiev’s violation of the Minsk agreements

And now – to the sensational CNN report, which is devoted to the situation around Ukraine. Correspondent of the American TV channel Clarissa Ward arrived at the line of contact in the Donbass. Obviously, with the task already familiar to the Western media – how to pump it up. That is, fantasize about the mythical attack of Russia. True, it may seem that what she saw seriously disappointed her.

“It is striking that, despite the buildup of tanks and heavy weapons on the Russian side of the border, here on the Ukrainian side there is absolutely no feeling that anyone is preparing for an invasion,” the journalist said.

On the one hand – again a horror story about Russian tanks. On the other hand, I have to admit: there is no pre-war excitement in the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. But there is something else to be seen. In particular, Ward casually interviewed a certain Ukrainian sergeant. And involuntarily received from him a sincere confession that Kiev is violating the Minsk agreements in the most malicious way. However, this particular fragment was aired on CNN with a very peculiar interpretation.

He’s being interviewed in a trench: “with a slight smile, a young sergeant who prefers not to be named,” as CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward writes about him. “What types of weapons do you have in these positions? Do you have heavy weapons? I don’t see it, but I want to make sure,” the journalist asks. “You don’t need to see,” the sergeant replies. “And the enemy shouldn’t see. But we have it, don’t worry.”

The final phrase is important – we translated exactly as the sergeant said in Ukrainian. On air, CNN sounded quite differently: “But we have everything” (“But we have everything!”). Sounds much more innocent. Not a word in Clarissa Ward’s report about Ukrainian “heavy weapons”.

“And who is CNN’s Clarissa Ward? She lied when she worked here in Moscow, covered our elections in 2007-2008, she lied when she described the situation in Afghanistan, recalls Rafael Ordukhanyan, an American political scientist. – Graduate of Yale University – as they say, “cream of cream”, it would seem, has replaced her same rabid Russophobe as Christiane Amanpour in the position of international correspondent for CNN in Europe.

The real answer of a soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is, in fact, direct evidence Ukraine’s violations of the Minsk agreements. About which Zelensky recently said that he “does not remember who signed them.” And the head of the National Security and Defense Council, Danilov, added: “Implementation of the Minsk agreements is the destruction of our country. When they were signed at gunpoint by a Russian machine gun, and when the Germans and French were calmly watching this, it was already clear to smart people that the implementation of these documents was impossible.”

“And then Kuleba’s interview came out, where he clearly formulated to the Polish newspaper that not a single region of Ukraine would have the right to veto national decisions,” notes Oleg Noginsky, a political scientist, an expert at the Center for Eurasian Integration. “That is, he immediately disavowed the fact that Ukraine is going to implement the Minsk agreements.”

No wonder Donbas is waiting very real Kiev invasion. The General Staff of Ukraine even has a plan, says Eduard Basurin. “Today I was at the positions, I talked to the fighters,” said an official representative of the People’s Militia of the DPR. “They say yes, cases have become more frequent in recent days. …”

Deutsche Welle keeps up with CNN – relishes military training footage in Kharkiv. Women with Kalashnikovs say to the camera that, they say, “the city must be saved” – in the sense of Russia. But for some reason, the Deutsche Welle does not show anti-war rallies, only mobilization.

“The formation of territorial defense units is nothing more than a veiled mobilization, to which the population of Ukraine is extremely negative,” says Ivan Filiponenko, a representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR. “As you can see, the Kiev regime, in order to achieve the goals of aggression in Donbass, is ready to send ordinary citizens of Ukraine to slaughter.”

The village of Veseloe – shelling from a grenade launcher. Pavlopol – a drone with explosives. On Kominternovo, October – mines of 82 mm caliber fell – this is all the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and only in the first days of February. Donbass knows exactly how Kiev deals with the Minsk agreements. Whatever CNN says.


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