CIA: “There is probably no foreign power behind most cases of Havana syndrome” | Abroad

Most cases of mysterious Havana syndrome have an environmental or medical cause. That is the interim conclusion of an investigation by the American intelligence service CIA. The United States continues to investigate some 20 unexplained incidents. Until now, Russia, China and Cuba have been pointed out from some quarters as possible foreign powers behind what could be a deliberate attack against American diplomats.

The first unexplained health complaints appeared at the end of 2016 among staff at the American and Canadian embassies in the Cuban capital Havana. Hence the name ‘Havana syndrome’. The reported symptoms were hearing impairment, dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue and memory loss. There was no explanation. Then came reports from US diplomats and CIA members from other cities, including the US, and last year from Vienna and Berlin.

According to an interim report from the CIA, the explanation for Havana syndrome is most likely not to be sought in the Russians or in any other country, at least in the majority of the 1,000 cases reported to the US government. It would not be a large-scale foreign operation against the Americans. Rather, environmental factors, stress, or medical conditions that have not yet been discovered are responsible for most of the health problems.

Twenty of the cases that do remain unexplained will be further investigated by the CIA. They offer the best opportunity for answers to the question of whether or not a foreign power is responsible for some of the unexplained health problems. In addition, a large number of other cases still cannot be explained.

Many victims of Havana syndrome do not agree with the preliminary conclusion, writes de New York Times. One of the victims’ associations stated that the interim report “cannot and should not be the last word on this case.” According to the statement, this “has a definitive and dismissive connotation to dozens of committed officials, their families and colleagues.” Although no evidence has ever been provided, many victims, like some within the Pentagon, believe that Russian spies were involved in the incidents.

The CIA stressed that its staff members have certainly experienced genuine symptoms and said it conducts its investigations with “analytical rigor, sound craftsmanship and compassion.” CIA Director William Burns stated, “We’re not done yet. We will continue on our mission to investigate these incidents and provide access to world-class care for those who need it.”

According to one of the victims, it was made more difficult for the CIA to focus on the real cases because of an unfortunate government appeal for people with unexplained health problems to come forward.


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