Christian: previews of the Sky series on the hero with the stigmata

Ua series that mixes phenomena of the third kind and miraclesincredible and crimeas well as comedy.

Christian (from tonight January 28 on Sky Atlantic and streaming on Now) by Stefano Lodovichi and Roberto “Saku” Cinardi, freely inspired by Stigmata (graphic novel by Claudio Piersanti and Lorenzo Mattotti – publishes Logos Edizioni), aims high proposing itself as the first series about a superhero (very particular) made in Italy.

Edoardo Pesce plays him, and he has something different from the classics Super heroes USE. He is a boy from the Roman suburbs who works for a local boss; n day he finds himself with the stigmata to the hands. What happens if they appear on the hands of a bad man and not a saint?

The plot of Christian

Christian is the henchman of a boss of the Roman suburbs and precisely of the “City-Palazzo” (Corviale). Here she lives with her mother Italy (Lina Sastri), suffering from Alzheimer’s, and earns a living by “menando”, or by breaking noses and bones for Linen (Giordano De Plano). In short, a dirty job. One day the his hands don’t work as usualand almost kills a man by accident.

That day everything will happen: his hands start to bleed and on his way home he finds his neighbor, Rachele (Silvia D’Amico), died in the elevator for overdose. As soon as Christian touches her to check her health, the girl wakes up. That is his first miraclebut the protagonist still does not know what is happening to him, Rachele, on the other hand, is convinced that she is reborn thanks to her “touch”.

Silvia D’Amico is Rachele. (Sky)

On the trail of Christian and the prodigious resurrection Matteo puts on (Claudio Santamaria), a Vatican postulator, disfigured in the face, looking for signs of true miracles and a testimony that confirms the vision he had as a child after a car accident. Christian he will not be able to use his hands as before: le will stigmata be a gift or a condemnation?

ChristianPasolini and the Italian comedy

Christian it has something Pasolinian about ithas the courage to join the sacred and the profane. We have not seen all the episodes, but it is a series originalwho wants to get out of the chorus by investigating one suburban criminal reality and characters trying to overcome gods inner trauma just as the supernatural manifests itself.

The series is not in search of mystery, it does not give answers, it only asks questions. It is the characters themselves who seek answers to their condition. And everything is seasoned with the tones of comedy. The authors were in fact inspired by the Italian comedy he portrayed characters inadequate to tell the reality in which they lived. Monicelli, Risi and Scola teach.

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Contact points between Christian And They called him Jeeg Robot

Christian has points of contact with They called him Jeeg Robot by Gabriele Mainetti, the film that demonstrated how i cinecomic we can also do them in our country. The series was born from a short film of the same name directed by Roberto “Saku” Cinardi whom he sees as his own interpreter Mainetti. First coincidence.

Then there are the same Claudio Santamariathe Roman suburbs and the social substratum in which the protagonists move, “but the stories are different”, explains Cinardi himself: “Jeeg Robot confronts one of the classic superpowers at the Marvel, to be clear, in Christian the stigmata are a kind of damnationespecially at the beginning of the series ».

“These two worlds touch each other,” he confirms Saint Mary“You could do a crossover. The ability of us Italians is knowing how to take the films of Super heroes and make them ours by giving them social realism and depth“.



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