Chelsea crown themselves world champion after penalty kick in extension | Football

The goals in regular time came after the break. The Belgian Romelu Lukaku gave the English the lead in the 54th minute. Raphael Veiga made it 1-1 10 minutes later by using a penalty kick.

Havertz was also the match winner for Chelsea in the final of the Champions League at the end of last season. “This is great,” said the German. “To score the winning goal in such important matches is something I dreamed of as a child. Now it has worked again. I must say I was very tense when I took the penalty. But it’s nice that I got the confidence of my fellow players to do it.”

Hakim Ziyech played in extra time with Chelsea. Luan van Palmeiras received the red card well into the extra time of extra time.

Chelsea have now won all possible awards at least once in the Roman Abramovic era. The Londoners had the chance once before (in 2012) to crown themselves as world champions, but then lost to Corinthians. After Manchester United (2008) and Liverpool (2019), Chelsea is the third English club to crown themselves as world champions.

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