CDA green tsunami floods the streets: ‘And we have much more’

The CDA in The Hague has not had it easy in recent years, but there is one place where the party is the absolute winner even before the elections: Huijbergen. Everywhere you look, the Christian Democrats dominate the streets. In the village there is even talk of a green tsunami.

The volunteers of the party have certainly not been lazy or complacent, but rather overzealous. They left almost no lamppost untouched. If you drive from Wouwse Plantage via Huijbergen to Hoogerheide, you cannot ignore the ‘green wave’.

“It has never been this green here. I can laugh about it, but I wonder if it matters,” says a Huijbergse who walks her dog along the portrait gallery of the local CDA celebrities.

While his owner is talking to the reporter, the four-legged friend does a pee against one of the plates. “That’s nothing personal,” the woman apologizes.

CDA party leader Jeffrey van Agtmaal is not aware of any harm. In fact, he and his party members are determined to expand their green offensive even further. “This is only a third of the promotional material we have. We will also be placing large signs at the farmers in the coming days. We have saved for four years so now we are going wild,” laughs the CDA leader.

The local party Alle Kernen Troef (AKT) finds the action of the CDA ‘ridiculous and selfish’. Ludo Bolders: “They have also placed their signs on traffic hills and at a bus stop. We are concerned about road safety. While Jeffrey, as alderman, is responsible for public space. In any case, we abide by the rules.”

The municipality has now had a number of signs removed in dangerous places, but the CDA party leader is not aware of any harm. He is therefore not planning to remove signs. “No, no North Korean situations in Huijbergen. I think it’s nice all that green.”

“Rather bright green”, responds Ludo Bolders of AKT. “I don’t know what kind of ink is on those plates, but when it rains it also runs in nature. Moreover, it is no longer of this time. We live in a digital world where so many plates are no longer needed.”

Meanwhile, two older ladies on the electric bicycle have also noticed the election signs. “I don’t mind it. I don’t find those men annoying to look at either, real handsome.” Or do they know which party they are from? “Green Left? Or was it D66?”


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