Kategori: Finance
This is how newcomers to the stock exchange find the stocks that suit them
“Never put all your eggs in one basket” A balanced distribution of the capital makes sense so that the investment success does not depend on the fluctuations of a few…
WeltInvest in the test: experiences with the inexpensive robo-advisor from Weltsparen
Raisin Invest: Robo-Advisor does not ask risk questions If you want to become a Raisin Invest customer, you either have to make a one-off payment of 500 euros or set…
Deutsche Bank shares asked after the market: Von Moltke becomes second deputy to CEO Sewing
Von Moltke will be joining Karl von Rohr, who has been deputy to CEO Christian Sewing since 2018. He will take up the new position effective immediately alongside his role…
A turning point in energy and defense? Which values benefit now
advertising The Ukraine war and the resulting massive increases in energy prices show once again our dependence on fossil fuels. It is true that short-term adjustments to the energy sources…
Expensive vows: This is how you can save money at the wedding
A kneel, a ring, the famous question: “Will you marry me?” When she says “yes,” that’s when the real stress begins, because after all, there’s a wedding to be prepared…
Online seminar: Can money make the world a better place?
Impact-oriented investing, also known as impact investing, is investing in companies, organizations and funds with the specific intention of achieving a measurable, positive impact on the environment or society in…
Kazakhstan fights illegal crypto mining
Forex in this article Over the past year, many bitcoin miners have migrated to Kazakhstan from China, driving up the country’s electricity consumption In order to ensure the power supply…
Advisory video: The 10 biggest mistakes when buying shares – and how to avoid them!
In this advice video, we show you which mistakes you should definitely avoid when buying shares. We will tell you why these mistakes are made again and again by both…
Crypto market: Biden creates clarity about Bitcoin, Ethereum & Co.
shares in this article Forex in this article by Nikolas Kessler, Euro on Sunday US President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Wednesday setting out the US government’s course…
MyEtherWallet test and experiences – this is how we rate MEW
Step 3 – Create the wallet in the MyEtherWallet app Now download the MyEtherWallet app from your app store. This is available for Android and iOS. The official name of…