WeltInvest in the test: experiences with the inexpensive robo-advisor from Weltsparen

Raisin Invest: Robo-Advisor does not ask risk questions

If you want to become a Raisin Invest customer, you either have to make a one-off payment of 500 euros or set up a savings plan with at least 50 euros a month. In contrast to the competition, some of which require a one-time deposit of 5,000 euros or more, this is comparatively cheap.

But before you deposit the money, you first have to decide on one of the four investment strategies – and this is where it gets interesting: Because compared to other robo-advisors who recommend an investment strategy based on your risk profile, you have to decide on one yourself.

Info: Typically, before signing a contract, clients must answer several questions regarding risk tolerance, income, and more. The robo-advisor then selects an investment strategy, which cannot usually be changed manually, but only after consultation with an advisor. Since the purpose of a robo-advisor is to make it easier for a layperson to access the stock market.

Raisin Invest* refrains from doing so, lets you decide for yourself and then automatically invests your money in various ETFs and index funds based on the strategy you have chosen.
