Cardiologist estimates mortality from cardiovascular disease in COVID-19 – RBC

Mortality from cardiovascular diseases during the pandemic in most countries of the world increased by about 10-12%, while at its peak it grew by 300%, said Sergei Boytsov, chief freelance cardiologist at the Ministry of Health.

Photo: Denis Abramov / RIA Novosti

Data on mortality from cardiovascular disease in coronavirus is variable, even within the same country; now in most countries of the world the increase in deaths is approximately 10-12%, said the chief freelance cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Sergei Boytsov on the air of Radio Russia.

“With an increase in mortality in some countries in the first wave, when there was a maximum increase in cardiovascular mortality, it reached in one region, for example, in Brazil, 30%, and in some regions [было] threefold increase. If you look at the map of the United States, there is also variability in about the same ranges, ”he said.

The presenter clarified with Boytsov whether he means that somewhere the mortality rate increased by 300%, the specialist answered in the affirmative, noting that this was in the first wave.

“But it was still a period of elaboration of coding mechanisms. We are talking about coding the causes of death according to the ICD classification, ”explained the cardiologist.

Then, according to him, “everything leveled off.” “And in general, in most countries of the world, the increase is about 10-12 percent. That is, we did not reach this figure right away, ”he said.

Scientists have learned about the ability of COVID-19 to spread in organs for months

Photo: Anas Alkharboutli / dpa / Global Look


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