Car shot in Tielt, friends launch support campaign

Car shot in Tielt, friends launch support campaign

The facts happened last week, on February 6. Unknown persons fired several times at the car. A window has been shattered, there are holes in the body and a tire has also been shot. There is a suspicion about the perpetrator, but because there is no evidence for this, the Tieltenaar himself has to pay for everything.

“Very unfair”

Friends call the victim a guy with a heart of gold, who often brings them home after a night out, and therefore doesn’t drink himself. That this kind of thing happened to him of all people has therefore hit them hard. “He works hard and was able to buy his dream car without taking out a loan,” they say. “This is his first dream car that he would never get rid of and even keep as a vintage car later on.”

To support him, a crowdfunding campaign has now been launched to pay for part of the repair.


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