Burglars strike much less often than before corona, ‘t Throw the target more often

There are considerably less burglaries than before the corona crisis. This is according to recent police figures. Compared to two years ago, the number of burglaries last autumn and winter was more than 40 projects lower. However, the ‘low point’ seems to be behind us: compared to last year, the number of burglaries increased slightly again.

In the past six months, there have been about 2,400 burglaries throughout the province, much less than two years ago before the corona crisis. Then the counter stood at more than 4,300 home burglaries.

The decrease in burglaries over the past two years could possibly be explained by the corona crisis and the measures and lockdowns taken, which meant that we were at home more often. Now that we are allowed to work more outside the home, it is likely that the number of domestic burglaries has increased somewhat as a result. This is also apparent from the figures.

See how often there has been burglary in your municipality. Text continues below the card.

‘t Throw more and more hotspot

Yet it is not hosanna everywhere. While the figures look reasonably good for many Noord-Holland municipalities, the situation is different in ‘t Gooi. This is by far the most frequent burglary, numbers that are still increasing.

Major outliers are the municipalities of Gooise Meren and Laren, where there were 19.5 and 18.2 burglaries per 10,000 inhabitants. Most often in the whole country. In the municipality of Wijdemeren, the number of burglaries also increased sharply: the number almost tripled.

Significant increase in Velsen

Velsen also saw a sharp increase in the number of burglaries, the fastest in the entire province. The number of burglaries rose by no less than 181 percent.

Still, the neighborhood prevention association doesn’t seem too shocked. According to one of the members, that percentage sounds much more intense than it actually is: “I think it is mainly because nothing happened last year. I am not at all shocked by this.”
