Bryan Cranston’s ‘Breaking Bad’ ensemble reunites for Hollywood strike

Cransten, Aaron Paul, Betsy Brandt and Jesse Plemons marched as a team for better pay.

After negotiations with Hollywood studios stalled, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) strikes continue. Also present at the demos: the “Breaking Bad” ensemble.

Amidst the political action, there was a little surprise for fans of the thriller series Breaking Bad on Tuesday (29 August): Bryan Cranston and colleagues came together for a one-day reunion to urge the film studios to resume negotiations. As the actor announced in this context: “We want you to come back to the negotiating table”.

In addition to Cranston, who took on the lead role as Walter White on Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul (aka Jesse Pinkman), Betsy Brandt (Marie Schrader) and Jesse Plemons (Todd Alquist) were also involved.

The WGA strikes began as early as May 2023. SAG-AFTRA members then joined in July in solidarity. The focus of the demos are disputes with the studios over repeat fees due to industry workers. With the advent of streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, these fees have been drastically reduced. Authors and small actors in Hollywood can hardly keep their heads above water with their current salaries. The strikes paralyzed a large part of the productions.
