Brits pass law to lift Northern Ireland trade rules | Abroad

According to the UK, this is a sustainable solution that addresses key issues, preserves the Good Friday Agreement and protects the EU’s internal market. For example, the proposed law states that through various channels, a distinction can be made between goods traded within the United Kingdom and goods that must meet the requirements of the European Union. That would save unnecessary costs and paperwork.

Tax Cuts

Companies producing goods for Northern Ireland should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to comply with UK or EU rules. London wants to be able to offer businesses in Northern Ireland the same tax cuts as businesses in the rest of the UK. Finally, the British want trade disputes to be resolved by an independent court and not by the European Court.

With the steps, London is putting a bomb under the Brexit agreement. This was negotiated with the European Union by the Boris Johnson government itself.

Brussels is therefore not happy with London’s unilateral actions. Maros Sefcovic, vice president of the European Commission, has threatened legal action. The Irish government is also afraid of many new uncertainties and rising tensions in Ireland and Northern Ireland.
