British and Americans prepare for ‘humanitarian disaster’ in Ukraine

Ukrainian soldiers during an exercise near Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.Statue Vadim Ghirda / AP

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said during a visit to NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday that a humanitarian crisis on NATO’s eastern border would have to be seriously considered if more than 100,000 Russian soldiers invade Ukraine.

The British fear a ‘humanitarian disaster’ in Eastern Europe if large numbers of Ukrainians try to flee to its western neighbours. The thousand British soldiers are being prepared for deployment in countries such as Poland and Romania, both NATO members.

The Pentagon and US intelligence agencies are predicting that a large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine will displace some five million civilians to neighboring countries. This would emerge from the latest analysis of the situation, reported the Washington Post Sunday. Congressmen were briefed about this over the weekend by the army’s top. Most refugees will try to flee to Poland, according to the US.

‘Worst scenario’

Poland said Tuesday it was preparing for a large number of refugees, possibly one million. “We have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario,” Maciej Wasik, Secretary of State for the Interior, said on Polish radio. “We have taken measures to be prepared for a wave of possibly one million people.”

Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov also warned in December of a refugee influx of millions of civilians. He said an invasion “will plunge all of Europe into crisis.” The sudden appearance of three to five million Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion would be just one of many major concerns facing European society,” Reznikov said.

About 2.9 million inhabitants of eastern Ukraine are already dependent on humanitarian aid, including from the UN, because of the violence that erupted there after the Russian annexation of Crimea.