Brazil-Argentina match decision from FIFA! – Breaking Football news

In the statement made by the FIFA Disciplinary Committee, it was stated that after the evaluation, it was decided to repeat the match, and the date and stadium will be announced later.

Due to the events in the said match, Argentine footballers Emiliano Buendia, Emiliano Martinez, Giovani Lo Celso and Cristian Romero were banned from FIFA organizations for two matches each.

The parties were also fined for failing to fulfill their responsibilities.

The Brazilian Football Federation was fined 500 thousand Swiss francs for violations of security and public order, and the Argentine Football Federation was fined 200 thousand Swiss francs for not fulfilling its obligations regarding security and public order during preparation and participation in the match. Both football federations were fined 50 thousand Swiss francs due to the postponement of the match.

Evaluating FIFA’s decision, Argentine Football Federation (AFA) President Claudio Fabian Tapia said in a statement on his Twitter account, “As President of the AFA, I promise to appeal with all due effort to FIFA’s decision regarding the qualifying match played against Brazil. Our priority is always Argentina. It’s the national team.” used the phrases.

The match played between Brazil and Argentina on September 5, 2021 in the city of Sao Paulo was suspended after the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency officials entered the field in the 6th minute to pick up 4 Argentine football players on the grounds that Brazil did not comply with the measures taken against the Kovid-19 epidemic.

Authorities stated that Argentine footballers Buendia, Martinez, Lo Celso and Romero, who played in England, broke the law by giving misleading information in the sworn statement requested by the immigration administration to enter Brazil, despite being in England within 14 days before the match.

At that time, as part of the measures implemented against the Kovid-19 epidemic in Brazil, foreigners who were in England, South Africa, Northern Ireland and India in the last 14 days were not allowed to enter the country.


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