Brandenburg’s Interior Minister Stübgen plans to relax

Always new infection records in Brandenburg, 321 corona deaths in January alone. Interior Minister Michael Stübgen (62, CDU) still wants to relax. Health Minister Ursula Nonnemacher (65, Greens) rejects this.

Stop the night curfew for the unvaccinated, demands Stübgen, away with the test evidence in shops and pubs for people who have been pricked twice or who have recovered.

“We must have the courage to delete everything that does not make a decisive contribution to combating the pandemic,” says the CDU leader.

Stübgen’s reasoning: The strict rules came from the fall, when the Delta variant filled the clinics and drove the number of deaths up. Now the intensive care units are emptying again, despite the record incidence. Merchants and innkeepers would have suffered enough. The curfew can hardly be controlled anyway.

The Ministry of Health disagrees. “We must not carelessly jeopardize what has been achieved,” said spokesman Gabriel Hesse (43) to the BZ “The hospital burden lags behind the number of infections and cannot yet be finally assessed.”

The high number of quarantine cases leads to staff shortages in the police, clinics and rescue services, in care, childcare and transport.

also read

► 3225 new corona infections – 7-day incidence continues to rise

► From Monday! Cottbus bans Corona “walks”

“We have to wait for the next two weeks,” says Hesse. Then the federal and state governments reassess the situation.

Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (60, SPD) was silent about the Zoff of his deputy. He is on holiday.


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