Bortuzzo: “I want to get to the Paralympics. At the GF I felt like a burden, but … “

The swimmer left the house by his choice and, as a guest of Verissimo tomorrow, he will talk about his experience in the program and beyond

A Verissimo Manuel Bortuzzo – on Sunday 30 January – he talks about his experience at Big Brother Vip and his meeting with Lulù Selassie. And of the episode that changed his life forever on February 3, 2019 when a gunshot hit him and nearly killed him: “I don’t ask myself why what happened. I feel pity for my attackers. They are people who speak for themselves. In these cases, indifference is the best weapon that can be used. The Paralympics are a dream waiting to be achieved and I want to try ».

Showing that even a person in a wheelchair can experience this kind of experience was already a victory. I showed myself for what I am. In the House I had many mental frailties: I felt a burden and was not always understood by the people to whom I entrusted myself. At first I kept everything inside, but then I realized that you can share your problems with those who give you love. Now nothing scares me anymore», He explains to Silvia Toffanin.


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