Borràs joins the unauthorized Meridiana independence court

About 400 people, according to the Urban Guardthey have cut the avenue this Saturday at sunset meridian from Barcelona even though the Department of the Interior has not authorized the protest. Among them was the president of the Parliament of Catalonia, Laura Borrasfrom Together for Catalonia (JxCat).

Summoned by Meridiana Resiste, the organization that manifests itself daily on this Barcelona road axis, the concentrations have occupied the road punctually at 8:00 p.m. and have prevented the circulation of vehicles. The act has been done despite the strong police presence. In fact, there have been moments of tension between the agents of the Mossos d’Esquadra and some demonstrators, when they have been asked to leave the place and there have been shoves.

The Department of the Interior, which directs Joan Ignacio Elenahad proposed as an alternative place of concentration a square right next to the road, so that the demonstrators, increasingly scarce, would not interrupt traffic.

In this Saturday’s protest, the first unauthorized, chants have been heard in favor of the independencefreedom and calling for the resignation of the president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragones. The concentrations have carried estelades and a banner of ‘Disobediència, el camí de la independència’, among others.

The Meridiana courts began in 2019 as a response to the Supreme Court ruling on the referendum of October 1, 2017 and since then they have evolved from the first more numerous concentrations to the last ones, with less participation.

The attendance of Borràs, second institutional authority of Cataloniahas aroused the first criticism. Lorraine Roldanof the PP, asked for his resignation.

Citizens President Carlos Carrizosaalso joined the request for him to leave office:

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