Borger-Odoorn wants to add 500 new houses in the next eight years

In the coming eight years, 500 more homes will be built in the municipality of Borger-Odoorn; that is the ambition of the Municipal Executive, as is apparent from the new housing vision.

Whereas the previous housing vision focused on shrinkage, the successor seems to be the opposite in everything. Housing alderman Nynke Houwing has noticed a change since 2018. Less than six years ago, for sale signs stood for an eternity in many front yards, now homes and lots are hard to get hold of. Residents and project developers are clamoring for it. “You see the demand exploding throughout the Netherlands, including with us,” says Houwing.


In addition to the increased demand, there has also been a shift in the types of housing. “No longer the doorzon home, but the starter or life-cycle-proof home is preferred.” The policy therefore urgently needed to be overhauled.

Borger-Odoorn immediately bets high, despite the fact that research assumes a cautious upward movement. “We thought it was too sparse. We see an opportunity for a maximum growth of five percent on top of the current stock (about 11,500 homes).”

Depending on the demand

In addition to owner-occupied homes, the 500 new houses can also be social housing and rental properties. The exact distribution has not yet been determined. Houwing: “Implementation plans are being drawn up and infill locations have been mapped out. Depending on the demand, we look at where we can get started.”

Most opportunities seem to be in Borger. Houwing sees good locations there, especially in the vicinity of Daalkampen, the Hoofdstraat and the former location of the Esdal College. Behind the multifunctional accommodation (MFA) Noorderlatitude in Nieuw-Buinen, life-long housing and social housing for young people should be built.

Self-occupancy obligation

For the rest, the municipality has more leeway to ensure that homes end up with its own residents. “It used to be difficult for us to manage that, but now we can maneuver people into a kind of preferential position,” says the alderman. For example, there is a self-occupancy obligation for new housing plots, among other things.

The final word on the housing vision belongs to the council, which will discuss the document shortly.


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