Bob Savenberg (Open Vld) puts eed af as Vlaams volksvertegenwoordiger | Inland

KIJK. Bob Savenberg, ex-drummer van Clouseau, plays as Vlaams volksvertegenwoordiger

Savenberg has been active locally for a long time in the Open Vld in the Flemish-Brabantse Dilbeek, which was previously the Blue Dilbeek. Zelf comes here next year at the community center in Dilbeek. This year will also be sent to Overijse. Daarnaast is also manager of various artists, or like Staff Coppens.

Hij heeft he also zin in, al kwam dat in zijn first korte reactions niet really uit de verf. “I want to have a good time” and “I want to be there and always have a good time”. There were no really ambitious clones in the Wetstraat, in an interview with HLN this was right.

“I really want to know how to be in the party, but now I also have the right to speak, as in the parliament. I know that I have two things to do, I can try it out in my home – media and entertainment – and a few things that I can realize,” Aldus Savenberg.

KIJK OOK. Gwendolyn Rutten follows Somers op as Flemish minister
