Birthday Moon de Steenwinkel through the mud: ‘Promiscuous toddler’

Maan de Steenwinkel was dragged through the mud on the juice channel of the dreaded Yvonne Coldeweijer yesterday, on her 25th birthday. She calls the singer a ‘promiscuous toddler’.

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For years there have been spicy rumors about the intimate life of Maan de Steenwinkel. For example, according to bad tongues, she would have shared the bed with Ali B and Marco Borsato. Outwardly, however, she always seems quite innocent. Streaker in the 538 studio? To cry. The revelation about her framed panties above her ex’s bed? sore.

Promiscuous toddler

And now she poses on her 25th birthday with a stuffed animal in her bed (see photo). Moon turned 25 today. Hip Hip Hooray. But WHY this photo ?”, comments Yvonne.

It annoys Yvonne immensely that the way Maan presents herself in the media is very different from how she actually is. At least, according to the rumours. “It gives me the vibes of a promiscuous toddler, which I think is really gross. Do not do it. We know what you eat.”

Itching of Moon

The well-known twitterer Renske Holwerda, director of RTL Nieuws, agrees with Yvonne. “Her mom must be very proud #brrrrrr”, she writes at Yvonne’s story.

Renske: “It must be a treasure. But I get itchy myself from the child female behavior. (So ​​call your mom “mom” and put your stuffed animal in the picture when you turn 25). Probably says more about me.”


Yvonne’s story:


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