Biden spreads confidence in the fight against the corona pandemic

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – US President Joe Biden has shown confidence in the struggle to contain the corona pandemic. It’s not that far yet, but the United States is moving towards the point in time when Corona will no longer disturb people’s everyday lives and will no longer be a reason for a crisis, Biden said in the White House on Wednesday. The situation has improved dramatically since he took office a year ago, stressed Biden. There are now sufficient vaccinations and medications to contain the pandemic. “We’ve made tremendous progress,” Biden said.

The number of new infections with the corona virus in the USA, a country with around 330 million inhabitants, had recently risen to an average of 700,000 per day due to the particularly contagious omicron variant. According to the CDC health authority, around 1,750 people die every day in connection with Covid 19 disease. At the peak of the pandemic last year, more than 3,000 people died a day at times.

The vaccination campaign in the USA quickly picked up speed after Biden took office on January 20, 2021, but has recently made slow progress. 63 percent of the population, around 209 million people, have complete basic protection with the second injection that is usually necessary. Almost 39 percent, i.e. 81 million people, received an additional booster vaccination./jbz/DP/nas


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