Biden: Russian Ukraine invasion would be over for Nord Stream 2

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – According to US President Joe Biden, a Russian invasion of Ukraine would mean the end of the controversial German-Russian gas pipeline Nord Stream 2. Biden said at a joint press conference with Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday in the White House that in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine “there will be no more Nord Stream 2. We will put an end to it.” When asked how he planned to do that on a project under German control, Biden said: “I promise you that we will do it.”

Scholz did not mention Nord Stream 2 by name. At the press conference, the SPD politician again emphasized that possible sanctions in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine had been intensively prepared. It is part of the process not to name everything so as not to disclose all plans to Moscow in advance. However, Scholz promised: “We will act in full agreement on the sanctions.” The transatlantic partners are united on the issue and will take the same steps. This would be very hard for Russia.

Nord Stream 2 is to bring Russian gas to Germany, bypassing Ukraine. There has been massive criticism of the project in the USA for years, which has increased significantly since the escalation of the Ukraine crisis. Berlin’s refusal to supply arms to the Ukraine also causes irritation. Some allies have accused Scholz of not putting enough pressure on Russia in the Ukraine crisis. Doubts have also been raised in the USA as to whether Germany can be counted on in an emergency.

Given the deployment of tens of thousands of Russian soldiers, it is feared that the Kremlin is planning an invasion of Ukraine. Moscow denies that. It is also considered possible that the Russian side wants to stir up fears in order to persuade NATO to make concessions on demands for new security guarantees./cy/DP/he


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