Biden refused to talk about the possibility of sending additional troops to Europe

US President Joe Biden did not answer the question of whether the United States will send additional troops to NATO countries, reported White House freelance correspondent Alexis Shaynes on Twitter.

“I’m not going to make assumptions,” he told reporters on his return from Delaware to Washington.

Senior White House Correspondent Kelly O’Donnell asked him about what might spur Russian President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine. Biden responded that Putin cannot get what he wants. The journalist suggested that he was talking about securing security guarantees.

Stoltenberg called the transfer of US troops to Europe a “powerful signal”

Western countries began to send troops to Ukraine after reports of a possible Russian invasion. The Kremlin has repeatedly denied reports of a possible attack on Ukraine, accused Western media of lying and instigating the conflict, and called the movement of troops an internal affair of the country.


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