Berlin has passed the peak of the omicron wave

According to Health Senator Ulrike Gote (Greens), Berlin has passed the peak of the current corona wave.

There are still around 200 corona patients in the intensive care units of the Berlin hospitals. The hospitalization incidence, which indicates how many out of 100,000 people had to be hospitalized because of Corona within a week, also remains high, Gote said on Monday in the Health Committee of the House of Representatives.

The seven-day incidence fell slightly over the weekend as on the days before. “I think that we can already say with great certainty that we are past the peak of the omicron wave here in Berlin,” said Gote. “That the numbers will continue to go down reliably, probably quite quickly.”

In view of this development, it is correct to consider what the next steps are. “What measures do we still need, where do we have to change course, and how will things continue in the near future?” This is to be discussed at the Senate meeting on Tuesday and discussed with experts.

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► “I’m team careful” – Berlin’s health senator warns against loosening too quickly

► Corona incidence in Berlin continues to fall – but only two districts report on Monday

Gote said there was a worsening trend in the vaccination campaign in Berlin. “We see that the vaccination numbers are declining, both at our vaccination centers and in the last week at the resident doctors.” That doesn’t apply so much to the boosters. “But the number of primary vaccinations that we achieve are very small.”

In the next few months and over the summer, too, the focus must be on reaching people who do not want or have not yet been able to be vaccinated.


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