Bang! Bayern says goodbye to the return of viewers

The Free State of Bavaria was the first federal state to pass a new regulation for the partial return of spectators to professional sports. The decision from the south of the republic is in fact tantamount to a relaxation of the existing corona rules and affects FC Bayern and FC Augsburg in the Bundesliga, among others.

On Tuesday, the Bavarian state cabinet around Prime Minister Markus Söder decided to relax the previous regulation of not allowing spectators into the sports and competition facilities.

In the future, up to 10,000 fans will be allowed to come to the stadiums and halls in Bavaria again. The new regulation should apply from next Thursday, January 27th.

Everywhere in the Free State, it should then be possible to use up to 25 percent of the existing capacities in the stadiums and halls, with a maximum number of visitors of 10,000 spectators.

The head of the Bavarian State Chancellery, Florian Herrmann, announced the corresponding new regulations after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday. “It’s a moderate approach,” said the 50-year-old.

FC Bayern versus RB Leipzig in front of 10,000 spectators

Along with the partial return of spectators to the sports and competition venues, the wearing of FFP2 masks remains mandatory for the entire duration of the stay. There is also a ban on alcohol.

The whole procedure takes place in compliance with the 2Gplus regulation. This means that only those who have been vaccinated or recovered and who can also show a daily negative test or a booster vaccination can enter the stadium or the sports hall.

In the Bundesliga, the new regulation of the Free State of Bavaria will already have an impact on the next matchday. FC Bayern’s home game against RB Leipzig on February 5 will therefore be able to take place in front of 10,000 spectators.


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